As part of the redevelopment of a city centre brownfield site our client requested a non-intrusive survey to determine if there were any sub-surface features beneath the site. The most recent phase of buildings had been demolished but historic maps indicated that other buildings had once occupied the site.

As well as wanting to know if there were any features associated with these former buildings still present the client also wanted the routes of utility apparatus adjacent to and entering the site confirmed.

We undertook a combined electromagnetic (EM) and magnetic survey within the site to look for buried structures and a ground penetrating radar (GPR) and radio frequency location (RFL) around the perimeter of the site to locate the utility apparatus.

All of the apparatus routes entering the site were accurately located and the geophysical survey also identified several anomalies that were suggestive of buried wall foundations or other structures. The client could now target their intrusive investigations to identify the cause of the anomalies and they could safely carry out excavation work around the perimeter of the site knowing where the existing services were located.