Vacancies for archaeological geophysicists and trainees
We are recruuiting for staff to join our archaeological geophysics department. Click on the header above for more details.
We are recruuiting for staff to join our archaeological geophysics department. Click on the header above for more details.
Utility surveyors wanted – all grades. Click on the header above or check out the Join Us page in our Contact section for more details.
Voids in the underlying bedrock can be a major problem for developments. Using geophysics can help identify these features and significantly mitigate the associated risk and cost.
Phase have carried out a wide variety of geophysical surveys over the last six months including magnetic, electromagnetic, resistivity imaging, microgravity and low, medium and high frequency GPR surveys.
Geophysics, notably high frequency GPR (ground penetrating radar), can be invaluable in mapping rebar variations in above ground structures.